After that, No Strings and I had a discussion and we both remembered CABAL's activation animation in TSFS' Nod cinematics and both thought it would make for a good logo, so I did that one second.

I first made the modified "Centurion Helmet" logo that CCHyper and No Strings pointed me to, because many people mistakenly assume it was Westwood's CABAL logo (it was their Scrin logo). The Triforce one was a logo Hyper vectorized long ago (it's from the Renegade Scrin Ship) and I thought it looked cool and futuristic (and thus could fit CABAL), so I kept it somewhere and fell upon again, but it reminded me too much of Zelda, so I chose not to use it. I was asking Helge, No Strings and CCHyper (Community members) for ideas on what a CABAL logo could resemble, and they helped me come up with a few possibilities.

I created them myself for my mod, Tiberian Zenith.